Does someone at OptConnect monitor for potential threats?

OptConnect’s security team routinely monitors private network traffic for any potential security threats or vulnerabilities. That proactive monitoring extends well past just private network traffic monitoring though; OptConnect monitors the cellular devices themselves and all other OptConnect infrastructure (such as servers, internal applications, and networking appliances) to keep things updated and running securely and reliably. 

To achieve this, OptConnect performs both routinely scheduled and as-needed updates, tests, and reviews of security implementations, processes, and procedures. 

Networking and connectivity industries—especially with today’s wide variety of connected applications and equipment—are highly dynamic, fast-moving, and interconnected. As such, OptConnect’s security team monitors not only OptConnect equipment, but also more abstract and conceptual industry trends, standards, and known vulnerabilities. 

This allows OptConnect to identify potential security needs, proactively address any relevant security concerns, provide insight to customers on the subject, and implement new security architectures and technologies as needed to always stay ahead of the curve.